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Always striving to provide you with the best value and service.
Effective today, we have restructured the Matrix of our packages to users worldwide. The change comes into effect by raising the price of each package and accordingly increasing the Credits given. In some cases, the single Credit price went unchanged and in others, the price even decreased.
This change came as a result of various research conducted, intending to provide our valued clients with the best user experience.
Hello my name is kimberly, I am a capricious but at the same time tender woman , I love the delicate treatment and be treated affectionately. I can fulfill your darkest fantasies since I am very playful.
I consider myself very good in the erotic dances and doing Streptease. I am very good following the orders of those who submit me.
I like dancing, spanking, caresses, passionate kisses, I like doggy style, having my hair pulled, being touched and caressed
i don`t like rude people or people who come to my room without saying hello, respect is important in my room, if you don`t follow those rules you can`t talk to me
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